Are the men who move the companies business, no doubt.

And some of them move a lot: these are the service technicians.

Whatever happens, they continue to work with patience and constant dedication, supporting the customer every day in every difficulty.

One of these unstoppable heroes is our Agostino Angelozzi, 36 years old, electronic expert, 16 years passed in the technical assistance of Top Automazioni, 50 telephone calls for assistance managed per day and over 50 emails.

Let’s get to know it better:

D: “Hi Ago, how do you keep up with everything? Doesn’t your head spin? “

A: “Thankful I have a whole staff beside me, organized to work in a global market.”

D: “I understand, but doesn’t this frenzy give you an unbearable tension?”

A: “Honestly, no. People calling often for a sudden stop of the bar feeder, for a warning message, sometimes simply to ask for advices.

Some are friends to me, I listen to their words, I analyze what is happening and together we find a quick and definitive solution.

Of course, sometimes I avail myself of the support of our engineers, but with over 1,000 loaders installed per year nothing surprises me anymore and the quality  achieved by the Top automazioni products is excellent, this greatly facilitates my work. “

D: “I am well aware of the developments that Top Automazioni bar feeders have undergone over the years, but is there something that has made a real difference in your work?”

A: “No doubt, the adoption of Industry 4.0 has led the assistance service towards a new approach. All Top Automazioni products are able to be connected to the outside world via Internet. With the proper software and a few clicks, we can see the status of each bar loader, read functional data, modify parameters and set a different configuration. Unthinkable until a few years ago, indispensable today. Especially in an international company like ours, where distances would make remote technical interventions complicated and slow.”

D: “Come on Ago, I guess from time to time you get in incredible and funny situations. The last one that happened to you? “

A: “I confess that the quality of our dealers has improved a lot over the years, and our technology greatly simplifies the machine operator’s job. But rarely, someone gets distracted. Last week a customer called me saying that his Fusion with 50mm capacity carries the pusher with great difficulty. I do the necessary checks and I found everything fine. Nothing to do, the pusher dragged badly. Finally, I figure out that the metal collet mounted was a 50 mm, therefore with a 55 mm external. We both  laughed aloud, we have converted the bar feeder into a grinding machine”.

“Beautiful story! Ago, I thank you for the time you have dedicated to me, indeed I thank you on behalf of all the people you have helped, we are continuing counting on you.”